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Yo! I am James Li, currently a University Student with interests/passions regarding anything in the computer science space (currently focusing on Web Development using React.js). I also have interests in digital content creation, such as video editing, motion design etc. My hobbies include gaming, VTubers, eating out, and going on urban adventures around my city! 🗿

Notable Projects.

  • Utility bot for the online messaging platform Discord [REPO]
    • Written in python using the discord.py library, hosted on heroku
    • Sources from multiple reliable APIs (Reddit,Giphy,Osu!)
  • GUI Graphing Calculator [REPO]
    • Written in Java, GUI built using NetBeans IDE
    • Supports visualization of linear and quadratic equations
    • Created for a Highschool Computer Science class summative
  • The website you are currently browsing! [REPO]
    • Written in Javascript using the Next.js React framework and Tailwind CSS for styling!
    • Portfolio website which includes information relevant for a CV/Resume
    • Deployed on Vercel

Work Experience.



Email: Jamesli28000@gmail.com
Discord: jl#4037